Black Panthers line up at a Free Huey rally in DeFremery Park in west Oakland in 1968

George Jackson’s funeral at St. Augustine’s Church, Oakland, California, 1971

Two women with bags of food at the People’s Free Food Program, one of the Panther’s survival initiatives, Palo Alto, California, 1972

William Hampton (from left), brother of slain Illinois Black Panther Party chairman Fred Hampton Sr., the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Black Panther Party official Bobby Rush and Renault Robinson, president of the Afro American Patrolmen’s League, are shown at a December 1969 news conference at the Capitol Theatre in Chicago

Members of the Black Panther Party march in the Loop in October 1969.

A boy gives raised fist salute in front of the New Haven courthouse during a demonstration by 15,000 people in1970. Bobby Seale, chairman of the party, and Ericka Huggins were on trial along for murder. Both were acquitted. Photograph: Stephen Shames